After closing on the house in May 2020, the real work began. A month into demo we discovered major structural issues and after 5 months, a new footer and 15 steel beams, we were back on track. Or so we thought. We pushed through hurdle after hurdle. With absolutely no background in construction I had to learn a lot and on the fly. What's a footer? How do I apply for a permit? Why do I need to hire a structural engineer? How do I select an architect? How much does it cost to relocate a water meter? What's a water meter key?
Clearly I had hundreds of questions. The home-building journey seemed never ending and came with frustration and weariness. Beneath it all, I found passion in the work. True growing pains punch you in the face when you realize you're doing something that you have absolutely no experience in.
Inspite all of this, the one thing I did have was a vision and it was backed by a doggedness to see my vision through. I had no choice. I was on The Long Road Home and determined to get there.
To commemorate the home, we commissioned "The Long Road Home," a one-of-a-kind art piece by illustrator Steve Nazar. Nazar is the acclaimed original artist and creator of the classic T&C Surf Designs characters Thrilla Gorilla, Joe Cool and Da'Boys. He continues to create iconic character designs and artwork for the surf, skate, snowboard and other industries so having him create this piece for 17th Bay is meaningful. View more of Steve's work at www. stevenazar.com
Here's a look at where we started and how far we've come!
Out With The Old...
Here's a look at basic demo and landscape clean-up we did to get the project rolling!
The Journey Continues...
Here's where we are now! At The End of The Beginning.
Construction Timeline
May 4th
Home closing