Y is for Yellow Submarine
Welcome aboard! Let’s set sail with all our friends! In the Yellow-Shell Submarine, nothing is lost or needed. With so many friends hanging out, it’s all the treasure you need. But, there’s one final message that Santo wants to share!
Woof, woof!
Y is for: YOU DID IT! That was an amazing performance, friend! Thank you for sharing your talent with Auntie Oakie-Dokie. Did you see the sky? The clouds spread and Dizzle Gillespie, the Dog-Father of 17th Bay, smiled
And on the ground, our former enemies, the crabs, shimmied over to Auntie Oakie-Dokie and offered their claws in friendship! The Paw-Claw Pact, we’ll call it. We all agreed to never judge someone or something without
knowing them first, and to know that everyone has their own special talent.
The treasure can be found
By seeing beyond the trees
With loving friends around
Life looks like the ocean breeze!