J is for Joke Jukebox
One of Santo’s favorite pastimes is to laugh along with this Joke Jukebox! Sharing a laugh with Tie-Dye, Auntie Oakie-Dokie, Whale-On Jennings and Lucky-Back reminds him to keep the sun at his back and to smile, smile, smile!
Here’s some of the jukebox’s greatest hits:
What would you find on a haunted beach?
A Sand-Witch
What would you find on a haunted beach?
A Sand-Witch
What do sheep wear to the beach?
A baa-kini
What does the sea do when it sees the beach?
It waves
What do you call a Krab that doesn’t want to share the beach?
Although these jokes are funny
They didn’t change the mood
Of a pirate spotted close
Stuck in a “crabby” ‘tude