M is for Map Quest
Can ya’ dig it? Your love activated the scroll with “Mapquest-Love!” TheKrabby-8 have only scratched the surface for years, but you must have a heart of gold! That’s the only thing that could unlock the scroll and make Larry the Mole fall head over heels. Finally, he can stop searching!
Woof, woof! It’s me, Santo! I just woke up from a wonderful nap!
Auntie Oakie-Dokie will be thrilled you activated the scroll with your 17th Bay L-O-V-E. I’ll take the map to her and see if she can help us understand it better. No one knows the land better than Auntie Oakie-Dokie! It’s clear you’ve got what it takes to find the treasure. If we show Auntie Oakie-Dokie that we, too, love 17th Bay, I bet she’ll help us find it! Have you thought about who you’ll share the treasure with? Now, we’ve done a lot of hard work and deserve to party! I can hear the sound of Feather Paw warming up and lights are being hung for the annual Sandbox Shuffle. Let’s go! Get ready to boogie!
Dance like no one’s watching
But careful you don’t fall
Shake out all your worries
Under a giant disco ball